Pope to visit the International Space Station


The Vatican has announced that the Pope is in training with NASA to visit the International Space Station ‘at some point next year.’ The Pontiff, 84, visited NASAs Johnson Space Center on his return to Italy from Cuba last week.

Pope Benedict XVI will most likely be launched to the ISS in a Russian Soyuz capsule along with other crew members as the normal rotation of ISS crew occurs. It is understood that the Pontiff is a space fanatic and wishes to experience the true majesty of God’s creation by viewing earth from space.

NASA declined to comment further on the plans. When the Pope launches in 2013 he will be the oldest and holiest man ever to go into space.

About James Ridgway

Dad of 3 & Husband of 1. Teacher of RE, Philosophy & Ethics. GCSE examiner. Lefty Atheist. Found singing and drinking real ale with @ChoirsofSPeters when not working.

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